Want to Want Me钢琴简谱歌词 It's so hard to sleep 辗转反侧 难以入眠I got the sheets on the floor 任床单滑落地板Listen to me 听我说And I can't take it no more 我...[详情]
灼け落ちない翼钢琴简谱歌词 见渡せる场所に 【今晨终于抵达了】今朝は辿り着く 【能俯瞰世间之处】远く线路が伸びる 【望着那向远方无限延伸的铁轨】こびりついた土 【轻...[详情]
Believe钢琴简谱歌词 You may call it in this evening But you've only lost the nightPreset all your pretty feelings May they comfort you tonightAnd I'm climbing o...[详情]
等你的季节钢琴简谱歌词 等夏天等秋天 等下个季节 要等到月亮变全 你才会回到我身边 要不要再见面 没办法还是想念 突然想看你的脸 熟悉的感觉 不牵手也可以漫步风霜雨...[详情]
你最近还好吗钢琴简谱歌词 挑一张耶诞卡 写上满满祝福的话 地址写的是心底你能不能收到它? 天有点冷 风有点大城市宁静而喧哗 这一个冬天我得一个人走回家问自己习惯了吗 没...[详情]
NEVER-END TALE钢琴简谱歌词 咆哮は轟いて運命さえも変えていく 誓ったんなら始めよう永遠に終わらない『冒険譚』-FAERY TALE-どれだけ探し続けたんだろう… こんな...[详情]
I Want You to Know钢琴简谱歌词 I want you to know that it's our time 我想让你知道 这是我们的时代You and me bleed the same light 你和我流淌着统一闪烁的光芒I want...[详情]
南泥湾歌詞:花篮的花儿香 听我来唱一唱 唱一呀唱来到了南泥湾 南泥湾好地方 好地呀方 好地方来好风光 好地方来好风光 到处是庄稼 遍地是牛羊往年的南泥湾 处处是荒山 没呀...[详情]
勃拉姆斯摇篮曲德文钢琴简谱歌词 Guten Abend, Gute Nacht,von R?slein bedacht, mit N?glein besteckt,schlupf' unter die Deck'. |:Morgen früh, wenn Gott will...[详情]
万物生钢琴简谱歌词 嗡巴扎萨埵萨玛雅 嘛努巴拉雅巴扎萨埵底诺巴 底擦直多美巴哇 苏埵卡哟美巴哇苏波卡哟美巴哇 阿努惹多美巴哇萨哇悉地美喳呀查 萨哇噶玛苏喳美直当洗养古...[详情]
ダイバー钢琴简谱歌词 いつだっていまだって僕らはちゃんと実を結んで 今だって飛び立ってゆく今日も陽が昇ると一歩を踏み出す 昨日の自分とは違うはずなのになどうして気...[详情]
Lean On钢琴简谱歌词 Do you recall, not long ago 你还想得起来吗,不久以前We would walk on the sidewalk? 我们经常走在人行道上Innocent, remember? 天真无邪,还记得吗?All...[详情]
Papercut钢琴简谱歌词 Now we're staring at the ceiling You're so pretty when you're madAll that I can hear is breathing Aah-aah-aah-aah-aah, aah-aah-aah-aah-aahA...[详情]
香水有毒钢琴简谱歌词 我曾经爱过这样一个男人 他说我是世上最美的女人我为他保留着那一份天真关上爱别人的门 也是这个被我深爱的男人把我变成世上最笨的女人 他说的每句话...[详情]
地狱少女二笼片尾曲-蓝染歌词罗马与日语对照版:作词:savage genius 作曲:takumi 编曲:西田マサラ 歌:能登麻美子 浅(あさ)き梦(ゆめ)みじ 永久に叹(なげ)きもせす /asakiyumem...[详情]
我的心好冷钢琴简谱歌词 我的心好冷 等着你来疼这城市渐入夜色 当爱情经过幸福的能有几个 没有人再爱我没有人在等我 我想我不会寂寞这城市人太冷漠 太脆弱 结果孤单的只剩...[详情]
断了的弦再怎么连 我的感觉你已听不见 你的转变像断掉的弦 再怎么接音都不对 你的改变我能够分辨 我沉默你的话也不多 我们之间少了什么不说 哎哟...[详情]
レゾンデートル钢琴简谱歌词 Ah 幾つもの夜を越えて 凍った夢と 消えゆく涙Warm me, Warm me, Wrap me一度全てを忘れたはずなのに 人を愛せない此の身が憎いどこまで歩いて...[详情]
Invincible钢琴简谱歌词 You know I was broke down, I had hit the ground I was crying out, couldn't make no soundNo one hears silent tears collecting You know I h...[详情]
From the Inside钢琴简谱歌词 I don’t know who to trust no surprise 我已经不知该相信谁,不必惊讶(Everyone feels so far away from me) 每个人感觉起来都离我如此...[详情]
Fire Meet Gasoline钢琴简谱歌词 It's dangerous to fall in love But I want to burn with you tonightHurt me There's two of usBristling with desire The pleasure's p...[详情]
Wavin' Flag钢琴简谱歌词 when I get older I will be stronger 当我长大以后,我会变得更强 they'll call me freedom 人们唤我以自由之名 just like a waving flag 就像...[详情]
约定歌词远处的钟声回荡在雨里 我们在屋檐低下牵着手幻想教堂里的那场婚礼 是为祝福我俩而举行一路泥泞走到了美景 习惯在彼此眼中找勇气累到无力总会想吻你 才能忘了情路艰...[详情]
Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)钢琴简谱歌词 When I was just a little girl, 当我还是个小女孩, I asked my mother, 我问妈妈,"What will I be? “将来我...[详情]
我叫小沈阳钢琴简谱歌词 风吹稻花香 小河水流淌黑土地里养育着 咱哪勤劳的爹娘平凡的模样可咱的嗓子亮 模仿陕北的民歌还有神秘的刀郎我叫小沈阳 艺名也叫小沈阳沈是沈阳的...[详情]
Man on a Wire钢琴简谱歌词 Who'd have thought that I'd be here by myself? Who'd have thought that you'd be bad for my health?Now I know, now I know I'm just a ma...[详情]
一个人想着一个人钢琴简谱歌词 你离开的那一天 天空有点灰见不着你最爱的蓝天 少了一个人斗嘴多些朋友的安慰 一切都不是错觉来不及道声感谢 故事已结尾太多事情来不及后悔...[详情]
I Know You钢琴简谱歌词 I believe, I believe there's love in you Grid locked on the dusty avenuesInside your heart, just afraid to go I am more, I am more than i...[详情]
风の街へ钢琴简谱歌词 时の向(む)こう 风の街へ ねえ、连(つ)れて行(い)って白い花の梦かなえて甘(あま)い指(ゆび)でこの手をとり ねえ、远い道(みち)を导(みちび)いて欲(ほ)しいの 贵方の...[详情]
Up英文钢琴简谱歌词 I drew a broken heart Right on your window paneWaited for your reply Here in the pouring rainJust breathe against the glass Leave me some kin...[详情]
只对你有感觉钢琴简谱歌词 飞∶微笑再美再甜不是你的都不特别 h∶眼泪再苦再咸有你安慰又是晴天飞∶靠的再近再贴少了拥抱就算太远 合∶全世界只对你有感觉飞∶玩的再疯再野...[详情]
亲亲我的宝贝钢琴简谱歌词 亲亲的我的宝贝 我要越过高山寻找那已失踪的太阳 寻找那已失踪的月亮亲亲的我的宝贝 我要越过海洋寻找那已失踪的彩虹 抓住瞬间失踪的流星我要飞...[详情]
Fire N Gold钢琴简谱歌词 Like an astronaut that's scared of heights 就像一个恐高的飞行员With a heart that's beating at the speed of light 心跳动的节奏像光速一样Y...[详情]
Froot钢琴简谱歌词 I've seen seasons come and go 我亲眼目睹过四季的来和去For winter sun to summer snow 从冬的严热到夏的酷寒This ain't my first time at the rodeo...[详情]
Afterglow钢琴简谱歌词 Even though the dancing's done Don't worry 'cause the night is youngWho cares where we go We're ready for the afterglowSomeone hold the su...[详情]
爱在记忆中找你粤语钢琴简谱歌词 我对你这一生哪个可比 我与你差一些永远一起邂逅时间场地似连场好戏 要自何页说起 Wow Ho爱太重深呼吸欠缺空气 爱太美轻轻的却载不起爱情...[详情]
Cheri, Cheri Lady钢琴简谱歌词 Oh, I cannot explain Every time it’s the sameMore I feel that it’s real Take my heartI’ve been lonely too long O...[详情]
好汉歌钢琴简谱歌词 大河向东流哇 天上的星星参北斗哇(嘿嘿嘿嘿 参北斗哇) (生死之交一碗酒哇)说走咱就走哇 你有我有全都有哇(嘿嘿嘿嘿 全都有哇) (水里火里不回头哇)路见不平一声...[详情]
I Want钢琴简谱歌词 [Harry] Give you this, give you thatBlow a kiss, take it back If I look inside your brainI would find lots of things Clothes, shoes, diamond...[详情]
晓之车钢琴简谱歌词 风(かぜ)さそう木阴(こかげ)に俯(う つぶ)せて泣(な)いてるka ze sa so u ko ka ge ni u tsu bu se te na i te ru 俯卧在随风起舞的树阴下哭泣见(み)も知(し...[详情]
Stole the Show钢琴简谱歌词 Darling, darling, oh, turn the lights back on now Watching, watching, as the credits all roll downCrying, crying, you know we're play...[详情]
Earned It钢琴简谱歌词 You make it look like it's magic 'cause I see nobody, nobody but you, you, youI'm never confused Hey, heyI'm so used to being usedSo I lov...[详情]
With a Little Help from My Friends钢琴简谱歌词 What would you think if I sang out of tune Would you stand up and walk out on me?Lend me your ears and I'll sing...[详情]
男儿当自强钢琴简谱歌词 傲气面对万重浪 热血像那红日光胆似铁打骨如金钢 胸襟百千丈眼光万里长我发奋图强做好汉 做个好汉子每天要自强热血男儿汉比太阳更光 让海天为我聚...[详情]
Nobody Love钢琴简谱歌词 (Why, why)Everybody’s looking for that something No one ever wants to pay the priceEverybody's scared of going nowhere But we ain&...[详情]
Nobody to Love钢琴简谱歌词 I know you're tired of loving, of loving With nobody to love, nobody, nobodySo just grab somebody, no leaving this party With nobody...[详情]
You钢琴简谱歌词 It's all right with me as long as youare by my side Talk or just say nothingI don't mind your looks never lie I was always on the runfinding out...[详情]
She's Kinda Hot钢琴简谱歌词 My girlfriend's bitchin 'cause I always sleep in 我女朋友老叨叨我睡过头She's always screaming when she's calling her friends 她呼朋...[详情]
Clattanoia钢琴简谱歌词 真実(こたえ)は何処へ 探して Where's my soul?It's like a fear 悪い梦の様で目覚めても All I've got is bones I'm in a panic? Get out, hurryOh...[详情]
The Day You Went Away钢琴简谱歌词 Well I wonder could it be When I was dreaming 'bout you babyYou were dreaming of me Call me crazy, call me blindTo still be su...[详情]
Somewhere中英文钢琴简谱歌词 Somewhere in the world Somewhere in the darkI can hear the voice that calls my name Might be a memoryMight be my future Might be a l...[详情]
The Great Gig in the Sky钢琴简谱歌词 "And I am not frightened of dying, any time will do, I don't mind. Why should I be frightened of dying?There's no reason fo...[详情]
总是向你索取 却不曾说谢谢你 直到长大以后 才懂得你不容易 每次离开总是 装做轻松的样子 微笑着说回去吧 转身泪湿眼底 多想和从前一样 牵你温暖手掌 可...[详情]
Talking Body钢琴简谱歌词 Bed, stay in bed The feeling of your skin locked in my headSmoke, smoke me broke I don't care I'm down for what you wantDay drunk into...[详情]
小拜年钢琴简谱歌词 正月里来是新年儿呀啊, 大年初一头一天呀啊,家家团圆会呀啊, 少地给老地拜年呀啊,也不论男和女呀啊诶呦呦呦呦诶呦呦啊, 都把那新衣服穿呀啊诶呦呦呦呦,都把那...[详情]
Salted Wound钢琴简谱歌词 Donely float got in the way Donely正出神 恍惚着 You are the feel, and knew it anyway 我知道这感觉 这就是你Take a chance, it wasn't what...[详情]
Ooh La La钢琴简谱歌词 You don't have to look like a movie star Ooh I think you're good just the way you areTell me if you could would you up and run away with m...[详情]
亲亲钢琴简谱歌词 feel itI smell it I breath itIt was there my green days 哦....☆music☆ 那一年顶楼加盖的阁楼什么人忘了锁 是谁找不到未满十八岁的我你是一滴滴...[详情]
如果的事钢琴简谱歌词 (范)我想过一件事 不是坏的事 一直对自己坚持 爱情的意思 像风没有理由轻轻吹着走 谁爱谁没有所谓的对与错(合)不管时间 说着我们在一起有多坎坷 (张)我不敢...[详情]
权御天下钢琴简谱歌词 东汉末 狼烟不休 常侍乱 朝野陷阿瞒挟天子 令诸侯 踞江东 志在九州继祖业 承父兄 既冕主吴越 万兜鍪纵天下 几变春秋 稳东南 面中原水师锁长江 抗曹刘...[详情]
The Hills钢琴简谱歌词 Your man on the road, he doing promo You said keep our business on the low-lowI'm just tryna get you out the friend zone 'Cause you look e...[详情]
Masterpiece钢琴简谱歌词 So much pressure Why so loud?If you don't like my sound You can turn it downI got a roadAnd I walk it aloneUphill battle I look good whe...[详情]
Free Bird钢琴简谱歌词 If I leave here tomorrow如果明天我离开这里 Would you still remember me?你还会记得我吗?For I must be travelling on, now,我必须启程了 'Cause...[详情]
Fernando钢琴简谱歌词 Can you hear the drums Fernando? I remember long ago another starry night like thisIn the firelight Fernando You were humming to yourself a...[详情]
Flashlight钢琴简谱歌词 When tomorrow comes I'll be on my ownFeeling frightened of The things that I don't knowWhen tomorrow comes Tomorrow comesTomorrow comesAn...[详情]
Mad钢琴简谱歌词 Oh oh oh, oh oh oh... 哦 哦 哦,哦 哦 哦…. Oh oh oh... 哦 哦 哦….She's starin' at me, 她那样看着我 I'm sittin', wonderin' what she'...[详情]
Here Without You钢琴简谱歌词 A hundred days have made me older Since the last time that I saw your pretty faceA thousand lies have made me colder And I don't th...[详情]
Untitled钢琴简谱歌词 I open my eyes I try to see but I'm blinded by the white lightI can't remember how I can't remember whyI'm lying here tonightAnd I can't st...[详情]
Without You钢琴简谱歌词 No, I can't forget this evening 我无法忘记今晚Oh, your face as you were leaving 当你离去时的脸庞But I guess that's just the way the stor...[详情]
梅花三弄钢琴简谱歌词 作词:琼瑶 作曲:陈志远 演唱:姜育恒 红尘自有痴情者 莫笑痴情太痴狂 若非一番寒彻骨 哪得梅花扑鼻香 问世间情为何物 只...[详情]
Heartbeat Song钢琴简谱歌词 This is my heartbeat song and i'm gonna play it 这是我的心跳曲,我要大声唱出来Been so long i forgot how to turn it 过了太久,忘记了如何开...[详情]
スパイス钢琴简谱歌词 あきらめちゃっていいのに やめちゃえって思うのに逃げ出すことさえできなくて フラフラ、フラフラ自信が無くてそのせいで自分自身も出せなくて 自信...[详情]
My Soul, Your Beats!歌词及译文:『一次一次在朝阳中醒来』 目覚(めざ)めては缲(く)り返(かえ)す 眠(ねむ)い朝(あさ)はme za me te ha ku ri ka e su ne mu i a sa ha 『系紧领带』襟(...[详情]
Kryptonite钢琴简谱歌词 I took a walk around the world To ease my troubled mindI left my body lying somewhere In the sands of timeBut I watched the world float T...[详情]
祭奠之歌钢琴简谱歌词 风さらう みなもへと kaze sarau minamo he to风在水上, たゆとうて 导かれるtayutoute michibi kareru 被水流引导方向。まにまに 浮かぶしらべ ma...[详情]
Jesus, Take the Wheel钢琴简谱歌词 She was driving last Friday on her way to Cincinnati 上周五她开车前往辛辛那提 On a snow white Christmas Eve 在那飘雪的圣诞节前...[详情]
有没有人告诉你歌词当火车开入这座陌生的城市,那是从来就没有见过的霓虹。 我打开离别时你送我的信件,忽然感到无比的思念。 看不见雪的冬天不夜的城市,我听见有人欢呼有人在...[详情]
Somewhere, My Love钢琴简谱歌词 Somewhere my love There will be songs to singAlthough the snow covers the hope of Spring 我的爱在何方但总有歌可以唱 尽管白雪覆盖...[详情]
Doing It钢琴简谱歌词 We're staying all night We never slow downI think we better do it like we're doing it now It's been a long timeSince we've been around So c...[详情]
枫钢琴简谱歌词 乌云在我们心里搁下一块阴影 我聆听沉寂已久的心情清晰透明 就像美丽的风景 总在回忆里才看的清被伤透的心能不能够继续爱我 我用力牵起没温度的双手过往温...[详情]
Wake Up Call钢琴简谱歌词 [Verse]I didn't hear what you were saying. I live on raw emotion babyI answer questions never maybe And I'm not kind if you betray me.S...[详情]
倒带钢琴简谱歌词 我受够了等待你所谓的安排 说的未来到底多久才来总是要来不及才知道我可爱 我想依赖而你却都不在应该开心的地带 你给的全是空白 一个人假日发呆找不到人...[详情]
原来爱情这么伤钢琴简谱歌词 我睁开眼睛 却感觉不到天亮 东西吃一半 莫名其妙哭一场我忍住不想 时间变得更漫长 也与你有关 否则又开始胡思乱想我日月无光 忙得不知所以然...[详情]