伤隐钢琴简谱歌词 只愿我孑然了一生 为何却被你牢握 这心门回忆的绚烂 交错的眼神 只该是一瞬敛芳浊世早都无闻 但却独独在意你 这个人剑光流影纷 唯一的依存 了断我纯宁我...[详情]
Old Me钢琴简谱歌词 Shout out to the old me and everything he showed me Glad you didn't listen when the world was tryna slow meNo one could control me left my lo...[详情]
Donna Donna钢琴简谱歌词 On a wagon bound for market There's a calf with a mournful eyeHigh above him there' a swallow Winging swiftly through the skyHow the win...[详情]
布谷鸟钢琴简谱歌词 我是森林中的布谷鸟 家住在美丽的半山腰看太阳落下去又回来 世界太多美妙蝴蝶跳着动人的舞蹈 她的秘密没有人知道美丽的白云悄悄哭泣 那是雨水的味道清...[详情]
少年钢琴简谱歌词 换种生活 让自己变得快乐放弃执着 天气就会变得不错每次走过 都是一次收获还等什么 做对的选择 过去的就让它过去吧 别管那是一个玩笑还是谎话路在脚下 其...[详情]
Stop This Flame钢琴简谱歌词 My heart goes up my heart goes down We fall in love and we fall back outI'll give you anything you want anything you want Anything a...[详情]
Boy And Girl钢琴简谱歌词 I am a boy,you are a girl. I am a boy,you are a girl.I am a boy,you are a girl. Do you want to be my friend?I am a girl,you are a boy....[详情]
Middle Child钢琴简谱歌词 You good T-Minus N***as been countin' me outI'm countin' my bullets I'm loadin' my clips I'm writin' down names I'm makin' a listI'm ch...[详情]
我们没有爱错钢琴简谱歌词 嘿 我们为什么 只是低着头 一句话都不说雨 仰望着天空 只能朝着大海 去坠落路 从什么时候 只剩你轮廓 逆着光到尽头我 努力追赶 想牵你的手 等不...[详情]
Delete Forever钢琴简谱歌词 Lying so awake things I can't escape Lately I just turn 'em into demonsFlew into the sun f**king heroin Lately I just turn 'em into r...[详情]
Rodeo钢琴简谱歌词 (Day trip took it to 10 (Hey)) Oh, here we goPlease let me know Oh, before you goDon't leave me in the cold If I took you everywhereThen well...[详情]
我想和你一起去海边钢琴简谱歌词 蓝的天 白的云 有微风拂你的脸庞海风吹的味道 就像夏天的拥抱不知道怎么会想起你 悄悄心跳不已你轻轻哼起 这曲旋律写满了思绪 不管在哪里...[详情]
竹石钢琴简谱歌词 喔 喔 喔 喔 喔 喔 喔 喔喔 喔 喔 喔 喔 喔一节节一段段 四季青冬日展春雨过 开遍满山任风吹任雪漫 直中曲宁不弯傲骨深藏 屹立山峦咬定青山不放松 立根原...[详情]
I Love Me钢琴简谱歌词 Flippin' through all these magazines Tellin' me who I'm supposed to beWay too good at camouflage Can't see what I am I just see what I'm...[详情]
你从未离去钢琴简谱歌词 浩瀚星空里 只剩你的背影银河已凝结成冰 记忆滑过泪滴想象能回到过去 终会存在我心底虽然逃避 她消失在梦里日出的幻景 再次感觉到你风送来你的呼吸...[详情]
Jenny of Oldstones钢琴简谱歌词 High in the halls of the kings who are gone Jenny would dance with her ghostsThe ones she had lost and the ones she had found And...[详情]
Never Worn White钢琴简谱歌词 You love the Hell out of me And Heaven's where we could beI've stood on the edge of love But never took the leapAnd you took my arm...[详情]
月影をどこまでも 虚海はひろがる
月影下不论多远 也有虚海无限延伸
Take Me Home, Country Roads钢琴简谱歌词 Almost heaven West Virginia Blue ridge mountain Shenandoah riverLife is old there older than the trees Younger than the...[详情]
无人之岛钢琴简谱歌词 黑色的背后是黎明 以为来日方长所以别把梦吵醒时间它继续飞行 下一站机场门外 拥抱你的背影蓝色的背后是纯净 低下头俯瞰陆地上想念的眼睛生命中有些...[详情]
小时候的我们钢琴简谱歌词 在你遗忘的小时候我在等着 调色盘装满了宇宙的颜色单纯狂热哭是直觉的笑是发自真心的 喜欢就拥抱着没有复杂的嫉妒猜测这些年遍体鳞伤你不想认...[详情]
惊雷钢琴简谱歌词 惊雷这通天修为 天塌地陷我紫金锤紫电这玄真火焰 九天悬剑惊天变乌云我驰骋沙场 呼啸烟雨顿多情自古空余恨 手持了弯月刃天地沦陷气吞山河 崩大权我手得杀...[详情]
硝子の花園钢琴简谱歌词 ユメの迷路 ユリの迷路 憧れを語る目が遠くを探してる時 寂しくなる私はここにいると言いたいの Ah!ふたりきりで硝子の花園へと 誰もいない 誰もい...[详情]
Moral of the Story钢琴简谱歌词 So I never really knew you God I really tried toBlindsided addicted Thought we could really do thisBut really I was foolish Hinds...[详情]
我等到花儿也谢了钢琴简谱歌词 每个人都在问我到底还在等什么 等到春夏秋冬都过了难道还不够其实是因为我的心有一个缺口 等待拿走的人把它还给我每个人都在说这种爱情没有...[详情]
浅雪钢琴简谱歌词 是谁撑一把油纸伞 是谁着一袭青衣衫将秋水望穿 把誓言折断谁仍等在悬崖边 是谁在门外的轻叹叹浮生一梦太短暂 过尽了千帆半醒半梦之间 谁还能触动你心弦万...[详情]
奏(かなで)钢琴简谱歌词 改札の前つなぐ手と手 いつものざわめき新しい風明るく見送るはずだったのに うまく笑えずに君を見ていた 君が大人になってくその季節が 悲しい歌で...[详情]
Kings & Queens钢琴简谱歌词 If all of the kings had their queens on the throne We would pop champagne and raise a toastTo all of the queens who are fighting alon...[详情]
好想好想你钢琴简谱歌词 最近 你过得还好不好 工作 有没有太多烦恼抽屉 我放了止痛药 睡觉 你枕头不能太高球鞋 你大小四十二号 拍照 你记得要微笑忘了从哪一天 我醒来一睁...[详情]
Legends钢琴简谱歌词 I usually don't speak on sh*t like this but Ain't nobody else saying sh*tDaytrip took it to ten I usually have an answer to the questionBut...[详情]
辞めてやるよ歌い手なんか钢琴简谱歌词 辞めてやるよ歌い手なんか 日の目を浴びずに沈むのならば如果连阳光都照不到就要沉没的话 辞めてやるよ歌い手なんか不干了啦翻唱歌...[详情]
愿得一心人钢琴简谱歌词 月光编织的年轮 绕过你紧锁心门没人像我不断叩问 明明你向来最怕寒冷为何回绝温存 原来一心人为何又离分 你提着孤灯独自寻找星辰 转身前的眼神泄露...[详情]
Canyon Moon钢琴简谱歌词 Gotta see it to believe it sky never looked so blue So hard to leave it that's what I always doSo I keep thinking back to a time under t...[详情]
Golden钢琴简谱歌词 Hey Golden golden golden as I open my eyesHolding focus hoping take me back to the light I know you were way too bright for meI'm hopeless br...[详情]
Suge钢琴简谱歌词 Pooh you a fool for this one HaOh lord Jetson made another one HahPack in the mail it's gone Uh She like how I smell cologne YeahI just signed...[详情]
病毒防范歌钢琴简谱歌词 有一个小怪兽突然来到 它的名字叫新型冠状病毒我们是勇敢的智慧宝宝 有能力将它消灭掉我们勤洗手,我们戴口罩 我们做运动,健康身体好我们学知识,我们不...[详情]
知晚钢琴简谱歌词 一世遥远的看 一世慢慢纠缠往事幕幕流转萦绕耳畔是你的答案 谁在望眼欲穿谁又割舍不断 以为忘记了悲欢爱就不会泛滥执迷一人一盼一生一段 能在你怀中贪恋...[详情]
Last Dance钢琴简谱歌词 所以暂时将你眼睛闭了起来 黑暗之中漂浮我的期待平静脸孔映着缤纷色彩 让人好不疼爱你可以随着我的步伐 轻轻柔柔的踩将美丽的回忆慢慢重来 突然之...[详情]
永不失联的爱钢琴简谱歌词 亲爱的你躲在哪里发呆 有什么心事还无法释怀我们总把人生想得太坏 像旁人不允许我们的怪每一片与众不同的云彩 都需要找到天空去存在我们都习惯了...[详情]
终于钢琴简谱歌词 流年低声轻轻说一段温柔的唇语 光阴辗转梦里编织着动人的秘密梦中的涟漪穿梭在心里 陪我颠沛流离风浪起飘摇无依蜿蜒几里 留下斑驳的痕迹终于以约为期让我...[详情]
朋友请听好钢琴简谱歌词 炅: 亲爱的 你现在 走在哪我有些 悄悄话 想穿过 夜色抱你啊娜: 我也有 孤单的 小尾巴像鱼游过大厦 眺望着灯火娜/千玺: 在楼宇开花千玺: 你别害怕我会陪...[详情]
Life Is Good钢琴简谱歌词 Drake: Workin' on the weekend like usualWay off in the deep end like usual N***as swear they passed us they doin' too muchHaven't done m...[详情]
Lose Control钢琴简谱歌词 Why do I feel like I'm drowning Like I'm running out of air ah-ah-ahWhy do I feel like I'm falling When I'm nowhere near the edge ah-ah...[详情]
モラトリアム钢琴简谱歌词 行き交う人々 水溜りに映る ぼやけた信号 赤色のままで街路灯のスピーカー 壊れたように嘘ばかり 何度も歌ってる 淋しそうな笑みも 甘い呼吸も遠...[详情]
Vulnerable钢琴简谱歌词 If I give you every piece of me I know that you could drop it Give you the chance I know that you could take advantage once you got itIf...[详情]
Happiness钢琴简谱歌词 I'll be the one That stays 'till the endAnd I'll be the one That needs you againAnd I'll be the one that proposes In a garden of rosesAnd...[详情]
On Chill钢琴简谱歌词 We've been on a tragedy for months Why can't you agree with me for onceMaybe we can be on chill tonight Maybe I can give you chills tooWe'v...[详情]
To Die For钢琴简谱歌词 It is if everyone dies alone Does that scare youI don't wanna be alone I look for youEvery day every night I close my eyesFrom the fear f...[详情]
突然之间钢琴简谱歌词 还记得那时候 无拘无束无须理由还记得那时候 独来独往独自问候我一直很享受 寂寞是属于我的自由习惯路一个人走 习惯了不用回头突然你像流星划过黑夜...[详情]
Good Thing钢琴简谱歌词 I book myself tables At all the best restaurants then eat aloneI buy myself fast cars Just so I can drive them real f**kin' slowI like my...[详情]
Someday or One Day钢琴简谱歌词 Sunset fades away Streetlights start to blazeA turntable corner café As evening fades to grayRed brick alleyways Winding l...[详情]
Money钢琴简谱歌词 Look my b***hes all bad my n***as all real I ride on his d**k in some big tall heelsBig fat checks big large bills Front I'll flip like ten ca...[详情]
云边钢琴简谱歌词 是谁眉眼之间 深藏着心默念连 指尖触碰流年 枝繁叶落之前轻探着心难眠 化 一缕轻风为愿梦醒思绪漫天 问今夕是何年只留下日月高悬 每一丝光线中挥不去对你...[详情]
晚吟钢琴简谱歌词 仅叹一轮明月 皎烁 而迷惑 若望穿了回眸 才懂 情愁为何途径邂逅 嫣然 难厮守 那些哑然反侧 怎奈 回首我对你曾诉说的 未出心口 飘摇昨天感慨了错落对你还...[详情]
荒野魂斗罗钢琴简谱歌词 银幕亮了起来 看陨石坠落我闯入未知的群岛 神秘异次元觉醒一股力量后 预言现在开始应验那感受 冲上血液 我不会回头 危险降临 加速前进脱下皮革外套...[详情]
英国掷弹兵进行曲钢琴简谱歌词 Some talk of Alexander, and some of Hercules Of Hector and Lysander, and such great names as these.But of all the world's great her...[详情]
一天钢琴简谱歌词 梦在凝结后成风 吹拂你的笑容停留很久像回忆的魔咒 当情绪在降落出现漫天星空那颜色太斑驳像漩涡 相遇那天就定格了永远一句再见铺垫时间 在某一天你走出...[详情]
The Bones钢琴简谱歌词 We're in the homestretch of the hard times We took a hard left but we're alrightYeah life sure can try to put love through it but We built...[详情]
逃钢琴简谱歌词 为谁拼命着 拼命追逐着 也不够 不够以爱相连着 却像个累赘的 那个我 那个我我怕 我怕没有资格 我怕没有选择 我怕我不值得最怕 怕谁又离开 离开不再回来Come...[详情]
See The Way钢琴简谱歌词 I go from okay I'm okay to I'm not okay in point two I go from cool in my new place to packing my suitcase like youI said it over and ov...[详情]
你要相信这不是最后一天钢琴简谱歌词 黄昏的天空 很美 斜阳下的光亮 映在白墙竟然就这样 流泪 微笑僵在脸上 回忆散落已不重要 昨天 未来还很远太多话没兑现 我知道你很纠结...[详情]
Intentions钢琴简谱歌词 Justin Bieber: Picture perfect you don't need no filterGorgeous make 'em drop dead you a killer Shower you with all my attentionYeah these...[详情]
Simmer钢琴简谱歌词 Rage is a quiet thing Ooh you think that you've tamed itBut it's just lying in wait Rage is it in our veinsFeel it in my face when When I lea...[详情]
Say So钢琴简谱歌词 Didn't have to know me keeping me in the moment I get you hot and moaning why don't you say soDidn't even notice no punches there to roll wit...[详情]
等风雨经过钢琴简谱歌词 等风雨经过 等我们相见你微笑仰望着天 我们一起种下心愿等花开等它实现 该流的泪还是滑过你的脸我始终在你身边 说好要一起走很远努力让未来鲜艳 在...[详情]
Bandit钢琴简谱歌词 It's funny the s**t I put on this song Ain't gon' sound nothin' like the s**t we was just doin'Oh yeah I just want bad b***hesBaddest them b*...[详情]
Only the Young钢琴简谱歌词 It keeps me awake The look on your faceThe moment you heard the news You're screaming insideAnd frozen in time You did all that you c...[详情]
Ritmo (Bad Boys for Life)钢琴简谱歌词 Corona: This is the rhythm rhythm rhythm rhythmThis is the rhythm rhythm rhythm rhythm rhythm rhythm This is the rhythm rhy...[详情]
Get Me钢琴简谱歌词 Justin Bieber: Ooh you don't compare don't fit in with 'em do you get meJudgin' by the way you open up you get me Ooh out of this world hands...[详情]
生命之河钢琴简谱歌词 菲: 一道亮光曾划过 留住青春片刻泪比汗早些滑落 没去想为什么 我灿烂地飞过 或孤独的跌落都有你 像一片岸让我停泊那: 我曾经彷徨疑惑 不想变成粉末也...[详情]
想念钢琴简谱歌词 其实孤独从来都和那些节日无关 像外面曾与我无关就像曾经熟悉的那些单纯的笑脸 现在也和你无关我们都相遇在这里的同一个地点 又分别在同一时间那时候都说...[详情]
莫望钢琴简谱歌词 与君相逢 寒枝露正浓 心生欢喜 一眼印永恒湖面秋风 廊前侧影 默契借着诗与歌托起朗朗的心声 墨池有雨 我从书中来红墙白雪 岁月满苍苔 一纸便签 牵我心怀...[详情]
Speechless钢琴简谱歌词 You say you'll be down in 5 The smell of your perfume is floating down the stairsYou're fixing up your hair like you do I know that I'll...[详情]
一样美丽钢琴简谱歌词 我 看见你在流泪看见你在气馁 看见你不敢入睡世界拿走你的一切 留下相伴的缺却拒绝你的拒绝 摸索黑夜 渴望却害怕光你迷了路 让我带你前往 你从不是孤...[详情]
Physical钢琴简谱歌词 Common love isn't for us We created something phenomenalDon't you agree Don't you agreeYou got me feeling diamond rich Nothing on this plan...[详情]
(I'm Gonna) Love Me Again钢琴简谱歌词 Elton John: Oh the joke was never hard to tellThrew my fair change in the wishing well The dream alone is always in your ha...[详情]
风的来信钢琴简谱歌词 吹过山谷 吹过天空 怎么风里面 藏着温柔的梦一定是你 想说什么 交托给风的 我已经收到了会不会爱你 我还需要勇气 给未来一个决定请让我确信你的眼睛...[详情]
姜子牙钢琴简谱歌词 踱步浩瀚星辰 俯瞰众生是这万物如尘 还是天地不仁原来独善其身 便称完人无法袖手旁观 任凭颠倒乾坤 叩问天高几层世间疾苦竟不闻 揭竿纵马破都城看月起...[详情]
桃花笑钢琴简谱歌词 月儿在手中开呀怀儿笑 云儿在那眼前睡得早春风吹不倒 我的杨柳腰在这桃花源里蹦蹦跳跳 少年你莫要归心太早燕儿它也双双飞来了 桃之夭夭还绿了芭蕉 管他...[详情]
看见你的声音钢琴简谱歌词 我看见你的声音 我明白不到爱情当你的沿途风景 至少我曾经出现在你生命里心里的森林 藏着一个秘密 叫做我爱你时间没有停过 爱情还在流动 世界依...[详情]
Forever钢琴简谱歌词 Caught me off guard I wish that I'd been sober Still here we are back in Hanover 99Just like old times all over Under the exit lights as bea...[详情]