发布日期:2022-09-30 11:11:53 来源:钢琴谱网会员空间 曲谱热度:
Daddy由 Coldplay 演唱,收录于专辑《Everyday Life》中。这首歌没有以往的恢弘气势,更多的是真挚的情感,而泪却恰恰落在了开头的心跳声,触动心弦的声音很沉重。开头的钢琴前奏很温柔,能把那种淡淡的忧伤的情绪带入。戳心的歌词和温暖的旋律,接近呢喃细语式的唱法,轻柔而略带沙哑的嗓音浅浅的诉说着对父亲的想念,把故事一一讲给你听。听的时候内心壮阔波澜,实属冬日暖心之作。
Daddy are you out there
Daddy won't you come and play
Daddy do you not care
Is there nothing that you want to say
I know you're hurting too
But I need you I do
Daddy if you're out there
Daddy all I want to say
You're so far away
Oh and you're so far away
But that's ok that's ok I'm ok
Daddy are you out there
Daddy why'd you run away
Daddy are you ok
Look dad we got the same hair
Daddy it's my birthday
All I want to say
If you're so far away
Oh and you're so far away
But that's ok it's ok it's ok
You're so far away
Won't you come home won't you stay
Please stay please stay
Won't you come home won't you stay
One day just one day
Tags: ColdPlay(142) Daddy(13)
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