发布日期:2022-10-16 03:55:02 来源:钢琴谱网会员空间 曲谱热度:
是迪斯尼动画电影钟楼怪人的主题曲。《钟楼怪人)(The Hunchback of Notre Dame)由华特迪士尼制作,作为第36部华特迪士尼经典动画长片,灵感来自维克多•雨果的作品《巴黎圣母院》。虽然仍保有原作故事的架构,却改编了大部份的题材。其剧情重点放在一位吉普赛人舞者爱丝梅拉达、克劳德•孚罗洛和加西莫多的三角恋上。电影由《美女与野兽》的导演盖瑞•特利斯戴尔和寇克•怀斯执导。该片获得约3.25亿美元的票房,成为史上最卖座的动画电影之一。1997年,获得奥斯卡金像奖最佳原
God Help The Outcasts
歌词下方是God Help The Outcasts钢琴谱,希望大家喜欢。
God Help The Outcasts歌词:
I don't know if You can hear me
Or if You're even there
I don't know if You would listen
To a gypsy's prayer
Yes, I know I'm just an outcast
I shouldn't speak to You
Still I see Your face and wonder
Were You once an outcast too?
God help the outcasts
Hungry from birth
Show them the mercy
They don't find on earth
The lost and forgotten
They look to You still
God help the outcasts
Or nobody will
I ask for wealth, I ask for fame
I ask for glory to rise on my name
I ask for all I can possess
I ask for God and the angels to bless me
I ask for nothing
I can get by
But I know so many
Less lucky than I
God help the outcasts
The poor and downtrod
I thought we all were
The children of God
I don't know if there's a reason
Why some are blessed, some not
Why the few You seem to favor
They fear us, flee us, try not to see us
God help the outcasts
The tattered, the torn
Seeking an answer
To why they were born
Winds of misfortune
Have blown them about
You made the outcasts
Don't cast them out
The poor and unlucky
The weak and the odd
I thought they all were
The children of God
Tags: the(1668) Alan(137) God(38) Menken(17) Help(10) Outcasts(1)