发布日期:2022-10-14 20:15:02 来源:钢琴谱网会员空间 曲谱热度:
另外,Can't Take My Eyes Off You由Eyelis演唱。Eyelis日本音乐组合,签署于日本Geneon全民娱乐。日本Geneon环球娱乐有限责任公司。组合由川崎里実担任键盘手,増田武史为吉他,前口渉作曲。
歌词下方是Can't Take My Eyes Off You钢琴谱,希望大家喜欢。
Can't Take My Eyes Off You歌词:
そこで笑ってて くれないか?
soko de warattete kurenai ka
Could you please keep on smiling?
小さい頃 星の数ほど夢を見て
chiisai koro hoshi no kazu hodo yume wo mite
In my childhood, I saw a countless amount of dreams like stars in the sky.
私が望めば なんでも手に入ると思ってた
watashi ga nozomeba nandemo te ni hairu to omotteta
I imagined that I could get anything if I wished for it.
でも欲しいものは 全部高いところにあって
demo hoshii mono wa zenbu takai tokoro ni atte
However, everything I wanted lay in high places.
背伸びをしても届かないから 見上げるのをやめた
senobi wo shitemo todokanai kara miageru no wo yameta
Even if I stretched out, I couldn’t reach them, so I stopped looking up.
だけどあの日 君に出逢った
dakedo ano hi kimi ni deatta
But then, I met you on that day.
hohoemi wo kureta
You gave me a smile,
生まれきたその意味 知ったんだ
umare kita sono imi shittanda
And taught me the reason why I was born.
anata ga kono sekai ni iru to
Just believing that you’re in this world,
omou dakede ikite ikeru
gives me the strength to live on.
nobashita sono te tsukamu yo
I will grab your extended hand,
nando kujiketatte kamawanai
no matter how many times I fall.
乗り越えるよ だから
norikoeru yo dakara
In the end, I will overcome it,
そこで笑ってて くれないか?
soko de warattete kurenai ka
so could you please keep on smiling?
Tags: You(1140) My(505) Take(99) Eyes(54) can&039t(27) Off(18) Eyelis(3)
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